Genie TV’s latest original series released a special poster along with backstage moments video captured in the poster-making shoot. Strangers Again is an original drama on Genie TV directed by Kim Yang Hee and written by Park Jin Ri, starring Kang Sora and Jang Seung Jo. The storyline follows the...
The latest teaser stills of Strangers Again show the romance and estrangement that transpired between the main leads. Strangers Again is an original drama on Genie TV directed by Kim Yang Hee and written by Park Jin Ri, starring Kang Sora and Jang Seung Jo. The storyline follows the romantic...
Genie TV’s original drama confirmed its airing in January 2023. Starring Kang So Ra and Jang Seung Jo, 남이 될 수 있을까 Can We Be Strangers (LT) will be helmed by director Kim Yang Hee and penned by screenwriter Park Jin Ri. Billed as a legal drama, it will depict...
Lovely actress Kang So Ra is set to tie the knot before the month ends. Personally confirming the news, the actress is set to wed her non-celebrity groom on August 29. Kang So Ra conveys her thoughts in a handwritten letter released today, August 17. Confessing to her fans her...