Produced by KeyEast, a comprehensive entertainment company, No Secrets (WT) is billed as an outrageous life-reversal comic melodrama about an announcer who suddenly can’t screen his thoughts meeting a passionate entertainment show writer. No Secrets explores the stories of freelance analysts who compete fiercely amidst the boundary between celebrities and...
tvN’s new series is set to make K-Drama viewers’ hearts flutter with the delightful love triangle pictured in Love In Contract! Portraying a fake wife of two men, Love In Contract tells the story of an employee of a helper service. Her job is to pretend as the wife of...
Portraying a fake wife of two men, the new tvN series tells the story of an employee of a helper service. Her job is to pretend as the wife of single men who need companions to join them in gatherings. MonWedFriTuesThursSat (LT) is headlined by Park Min Young, Go Kyung...
Action blockbuster Seoul Vibe confirms production with the all-star casting of Yoo Ah-in, Ko Kyung-Pyo, Lee Kyu Hyung, Park Ju Hyun, Ong Seong-wu, Kim Sung Kyun, Jung Woong In, and Moon So Ri Netflix, the world’s leading streaming entertainment service, has confirmed the production of Seoul Vibe, an action blockbuster...