Dangerously charming and unfazed, the duality of Kim Seon Ho in The Childe oozes in the latest teasers. The Childe follows the story of Marco as he pursues his dream of becoming a boxer, encountering terrible villains along the way. Marco wanders around illegal stadiums in the Philippines, and people...
Slated for a summer release, the thrilling chase and unpredictable story of The Childe unravels. The Childe follows the story of Marco as he pursues his dream of becoming a boxer, encountering terrible villains along the way. Marco wanders around illegal stadiums in the Philippines, and people with different goals...
Slated for June broadcast, The Childe seals its premiere schedule in June with an arresting teaser image. The Childe follows the story of Marco as he pursues his dream of becoming a boxer, encountering terrible villains along the way. Marco wanders around illegal stadiums in the Philippines, and people with...