Affirming to be an energizing drama, Jinxed At First lead actors and Director share and reveal their on-set experiences working together. Finishing their drama presentation on the day of its broadcast, Jinxed At First Na In Woo and Seohyun uncovers their preparations for their role. Praised by Director Yoon Sang Ho for...
Figuratively depicting how women symbolize, Jinxed At First unveils the tormenting reality of the goddesses of luck in its opening week. Giving life to the magical world of Jinxed At First, Na In Woo, and Seohyun go all-out with their virus-like performance and energy. The series also leaves a message proving that true...
Furthermore, Na In Woo and Seohyun reveal how their characters in Jinxed At First mirror their own personality and views in life. Nearing its premiere date this June 15, KBS2 TV’s fantasy and romance drama, Jinxed At First, shares what the audiences should anticipate. On the other hand, Director Yoon Sang Ho, Na...
Wearing their suit and hoodie in recent character posters, Lee Moo Saeng and Na In Woo talk about their characters for Cleaning Up. After presenting the powerful trio of JTBC’s Cleaning Up, the drama flaunts Lee Moo Sang and Na In Woo, who are set to make the series more special....
Cleaning Up drops fun character posters of Yum Jung Ah, Jeon So Min, and Kim Jae Hwa, ahead of the drama’s premiere on June 4. JTBC’s comical drama, Cleaning Up, flaunts its three female leading stars with their colorful and playful posters. Furthermore, the trio shares their filming experiences. Aside from that,...
Bathed in a love spell vibe, the lead stars of Jinxed At First are set to meet the viewers on June 15. Jinxed At First narrates the story of Gong Su-kwang, a man who considers his unhappy life as his destiny and lives according to it. But when Seul-bi, appears to...
Yeom Yung Ah, Jeon So Min, and Kim Jae Hwa are up for some hot ‘tea’ as they put on their cleaning uniforms for Cleaning Up. Slated to premiere this June 4, JTBC’s comical drama, Cleaning Up, excites viewers with more teasers. The recent group poster features Yeom Yung Ah, Jeon So...
Ready to offer a fresh and sweet drama this summer, Jinxed At First poster features Na In Woo and Seohyun’s awaited bubbly chemistry. KBS2 TV’s upcoming Wednesday-Thursday fantasy romance drama, Jinxed At First, teases fans with another vibrant teaser poster. Na In Woo and Seohyun also set a colorful atmosphere that...
Decked for June broadcast, Jinxed At First officially begins its promotion run with the introduction of its male lead! Based on a popular webtoon, Jinxed At First, comes alive to tell the magical story of a goddess of luck and a man with an unlucky fate. In the series, Na In...
With totally opposing charms, jTBC affirms its newest male leads will dashingly seize spectators’ attention in Cleaning Up. Cleaning Up chronicles the story of three sisters from a brokerage firm who were embroiled in a stock war after stumbling onto insider trading information. Between livelihood and survival, the three sisters...