Imagine this: a hardworking woman falls for a seemingly ordinary colleague, only to discover he’s secretly the heir to a powerful conglomerate. This unexpected twist sets the stage for a whirlwind romance filled with familiar K-drama tropes. In Cinderella at 2AM, Shin Hyun Been and Moon Sang Min bring these...
Cinderella at 2 AM is a refreshing take on the classic Cinderella story. This romantic comedy-drama follows the lives of Ha Yoon-seo and Seo Joo-won, two individuals with vastly different perspectives on love and relationships. Ha Yoon-seo, played by Shin Hyun Bin, is a realist who believes that Cinderella is...
Coupang Play’s series Cinderella at 2 AM has unveiled its first poster and teaser trailer. Directed by Seo Min-jung and Bae Hee-young, with a screenplay by Oh Eun-ji and created by Park Joon-hwa, Cinderella at 2 AM is an office romantic comedy provided by Coupang Play and produced by Imagineers...
A fresh take on the Cinderella story is about to sweep you off your feet! Cinderella at 2 AM, starring the talented Shin Hyun Bin and Moon Sang Min, premieres on Coupang Play this August 24th. This office romance ditches the glass slippers and pumpkin carriages for a modern twist...
Coupang Play raises expectations by announcing the release of its new series. 새벽 2시의 신데렐라 Cinderella at 2 AM (LT) is a realistic story about a woman who decides to break up with her younger chaebol boyfriend. It is a cliche-busting romantic comedy about Yoon-seo and Joo-won, a romanticist who...