The male leads for JTBC’s upcoming drama Thirty, Nine have been sealed! Directed by Kim Sang Ho and written by Yoo Young Ah, this drama warmly presents the stories of three friends that are on the verge of their 40’s. Thirty-Nine would narrate the different circumstances that 39 year-olds encounters in...
A female-powered series is underway for JTBC next year! Affirming its remarkable lead cast, the channel is gearing up for the launch of Thirty, Nine. Thirty-Nine is a 12-episode mini-series co-produced by Lotte Cultureworks and JTBC Studio. It traverses a real human romance that deals with the deep stories of...
Trust Son Ye Jin to break her small screen hiatus with such meaningful work. Based on the rough sketch of her new series, it is a story really made for her. Being 39 herself, she would channel the joys, apprehensions, dreams and pains of women leaving their 30’s. This will...