Friendly Rivalry is set to premiere on February 10th, offering viewers an exhilarating blend of mystery, suspense, and psychological tension. Directed by Kim Tae-hee and written by Kim Tae-hee alongside Min Ye-ji, Friendly Rivalry is a gripping thriller that explores the complex relationships between teenage girls in a competitive academic...
The teaser poster for Friendly Rivalry is out, and is already heating things up! Scheduled to premiere on U+ Mobile TV and U+ TV on February 10th, this mystery thriller revolves around the life of Seul-gi, a transfer student at the elite Chae Hwa Girls’ High School, where the pressure...
LG Uplus’ content studio, STUDIO X+U, is set to debut its first project in 2025. Created by STUDIO X+U and produced in collaboration with Ylab Flex, this high-teen mystery thriller explores the intense and precarious relationships among teenage girls in a survival competition that is more grueling than college entrance...