In the opening week of Captivating The King, Grand Prince Jinhan hopes his cherished kingdom will be liberated from foreign domination. Still, he has to tackle political struggles in Joseon. He also meets an interesting baduk player who is disguised as a man to earn money that she can use...
Foretelling a mesmerizing poignant romance story, the new tvN weekend series features Jo Jung Suk and Shin Se Kyung in the newest teasers. Captivating the King chronicles the cruel fate of King Lee In who is high-ranking but despondent, and Kang Hee-soo who dreamed of revenge but fell in love...
Following the teaser poster and announcement of the first broadcast, the new tvN historical series presents its lead pairing. Captivating the King chronicles the cruel fate of King Lee In who is high-ranking but despondent, and Kang Hee-soo who dreamed of revenge but fell in love with him. Director Jo...
As thrilling as the game of baduk, the lead pair of Captivating the King are seen contemplative while moving their stones. Captivating the King chronicles the cruel fate of King Lee In who is high-ranking but despondent, and Kang Hee-soo who dreamed of revenge but fell in love with him....