Kim Yoo Jung, Ahn Hyo Seop, Gong Myung and Kwak Si Yang are in sync in the first table-read of eagerly-awaited historical series Hong Cheon Gi. Scheduled for August premiere, the series is based on the novel of the same name by Jung Eun Gwol who also penned iconic dramas...
SBS new fusion sageuk unveiled an inviting video teaser introducing its main leads. The video trailer definitely piques fans’ excitement to when the series will finally premiere. Dubbed as fantasy-romance, it traverses the story of Hong Cheon Gi, the only female painter in Joseon era. It is based on the novel...
Awarded for his performance in Dr. Romantic 2, Ahn Hyo Seop secures a slot in the 20th anniversary special edition of Cosmopolitan Korea this September. The rising actor speaks beyond his years and delights on his anecdotes of meeting senior actors he look up to at this years’ Baeksang Arts...