It’s a blast from the past with tvN’s new romance drama Serendipity’s Embrace! This show takes us on a nostalgic journey through first love, revisiting the awkward crushes and tangled emotions of youth. Premiering on the 22nd, the story follows four characters – Lee Hong-joo, Kang Hu-young, Kim Hye-ji, and...
A new serving of romance is up every Monday and Tuesday on tvN in Serendipity’s Embrace! Known for its consecutive romantic hits like Marry My Husband, Queen of Tears, and Lovely Runner, tvN is returning with a new eight-part pure romance series. This new drama stars Kim So Hyun, Chae...
tvN’s new Monday-Tuesday drama Serendipity’s Embrace is set to premiere on the 22nd. Directed by Song Hyun-wook and Jung Kwang-sik, written by Park Gro, and produced by Studio Dragon, IOK Company, and Base Story, this series is based on the popular Naver webtoon Is It a Coincidence? by Nam Ji-eun...
Kim So Hyun and Chae Jong Hyeop are set to evoke memories of first love in the new tvN drama Serendipity’s Embrace. Premiering on July 22, this Monday-Tuesday show, directed by Song Hyun-wook and written by Park Gro, is produced by Studio Dragon, IOK Company, and Base Story. The series,...
Chae Jong Hyeop is confirmed to be starring alongside Kim So Hyun in the new romance drama Is It a Coincidence! Based on the popular Naver webtoon of the same name, 우연일까 Is It a Coincidence (LT) follows the life of young people after accidentally meeting their first love. It...