A24’s upcoming film Past Lives brings Yoo Teo, Greta Lee, John Magaro, and more to work together for the movie The producer of Minari and Moonlight, A24, unfolds another film, Past Lives. Furthermore, A24 and CJ Entertainment join hands to co-finance and produce the movie. Directed by Celine Song, the audience expects a foreign touch and...
tvN’s Honeymoon Tavern recently aired its first episode wherein three pairs of newlywed couples went to Udo Island to enjoy their honeymoon. Directed by Lee Woo Hyung, Honeymoon Tavern is made for couples that got married during the COVID-19 pandemic. Regular members Tak Jae Hoon, Kim Hee Sun, Yoo Teo, Moon Se Yun,...
EXO’s Kai, Kim Hee Sun, Taek Jae Hoon, Yoon Tae Oh, and Moon Se Yoon are decked to star in the newest tvN variety show. Slated to premiere on July 12, Udo Inn members pique interest with their first appearance on a teaser video released by tvN. Director Lee Woo Hyung...