The Kidnapping Day premieres today on Prime Video! The Kidnapping Day is based on the Korean novel of the same name, which features a clumsy kidnapper and a genius child working together as they get tangled in unexpected circumstances. There will be thrilling twists and laughs along the way as...
Starring Yoon Kye Sang, Park Sung Hoon, and Kim Shin Rock, this unique series will have you intrigued! The Kidnapping Day will premiere on Prime Video in Malaysia and more than 240 countries and territories on September 13. Prime Video announced today that the thriller black comedy series The Kidnapping...
Scheduled to be broadcast in the second half of 2023, ENA’s original drama Day of Kidnapping affirmed the actors headlining the series. Yoon Kye Sang, Park Sung Hoon, Yuna, Kim Shin Rok, Kim Sang Ho, Seo Jae Hee, and Kang Young Seok are set to decorate their new K-Drama characters...
For viewers who sustained watching the 16-episode run of Chocolate, pat yourself on a job well done Although the languid pace and simple plot are ever present, the sweet sorcery cast by the series is honestly baffling. Despite bringing in a few retrospective messages, the drama maintained a flow that...
Disney Plus’ fantasy and romance drama unveils colorful and intriguing character posters featuring the lead stars of Kiss Sixth Sense. Soon to wake our senses, Kiss Sixth Sense promises a refreshing and unique fantasy drama that everyone will fall in love with. Furthermore, recent captivating posters increase excitement with their hints on...
Crime Puzzle raises suspense as its lead actors exhibit intense, ferocious gazes in the latest teasers. Crime Puzzle is a thriller series that follows Han Seung-min, a criminal psychologist who confesses to a murder, and his ex-lover Yoo-hee, a detective who investigates the case. Additionally, Han Seung-min’s (Yoon Kye Sang)...
Joining the crime thriller trend this season as the newest hero is Yoon Kye Sang. He is set to appear in the psychological tracking thriller, Crime Puzzle. Based on a popular webtoon of the same name, Crime Puzzle tells the story of a criminal psychologist locked in prison after murdering...