In Death’s Game, Seo In Guk transforms into a job seeker who faces 12 counts of death. Seo In Guk portrays Choi Yi-jae who lost the will to live after failing to get a job for seven years. Growing up underprivileged, he has faced cruel treatment, often bearing the bitter...
The hero of Death’s Game is seen struggling to free himself from a cryptic figure seemingly in control of his life. Confirmed in the lead cast of the series based on the Naver webtoon are Seo In Guk and Park So Dam. In Death’s Game, Seo In Guk portrays Choi...
TVING’s original series Death’s Game pitched an interesting premise. Death’s Game traverses the life transition drama of Choi Yi-jae, who confronts 12 lives and deaths, right before going to hell. Confirmed in the lead cast of the series based on the Naver webtoon are Seo In Guk and Park So Dam....