Kim Seo Hyung mesmerizes in the main poster unveiled for Pale Moon. Along with that, the main trailer captures her state of emergency. Pale Moon, which will be released for the first time in April, is a suspense story about a woman who lived a suffocating daily life. She confronts...
Genie TV’s original drama Pale Moon reveals photos of Kim Seo Hyung together with other lead stars. Pale Moon, which will be released for the first time in April, is a suspense story about a woman who lived a suffocating daily life. She confronts an irreversible predicament after embezzling money...
Kim Seo Hyung defines expressive and thrilling characterization for her latest drama venture, Pale Moon. Genie TV’s original drama Pale Moon, which will be released for the first time in April, is a suspense story about a woman who lived a suffocating daily life. She confronts an irreversible predicament after...