Signaling with rocks and twigs arranged in a way only they knew, Hyun-jo, seemingly in the spiritual realm, works with Yi-gang to locate and help those in need on Jirisan. However, the mystery has deepened with serial murders to further test the pair. Packed with cryptic points, the latest episodes...
A peek at the male lead’s agonizing past in the latest episode of Jirisan added more layers of puzzling situations in the story. We sure also want more moments of Hyun-jo listening patiently to drunk Yi-gang in the future. As they share their experiences with each other, they grow closer...
Setting a mysterious ambiance, Jirisan taunts a riveting and death-defying experience as Gianna Jun and Ju Ji Hoon transform as valiant mountain rangers. Upcoming mystery and thriller drama, Jirisan recently unveiled its official teaser. Captivating through its unique plot, the viewers can anticipate the highly-anticipated series as notable media practitioners unite. Jirisan follows an...