Cha Tae Hyun and Jun Jin Young give birth to a “new-old generation” chemistry in KBS2 upcoming series, Police University. KBS2 gives another youthful and lighthearted drama series. Police University attracts many audiences for its fresh story and powerful cast. Director Yoo Kwan Mo and writer Moo Jung Min will work together...
Sprinkling charms to her newest role, Krystal Jung is K-Dramaland’s newest police officer to adore! Directed by Yoo Kwan Mo and written by Min Jung, Police Class marks July airdate. The teaser photos of Krystal Jung as Oh Kang Hee, a freshman at National Police University showed her strong determination...
The three actors are all geared up to show synergy in the police investigation drama. Titled 경찰수업 Police Class, the series tells the story of a veteran detective-turned-professor who meets rookie students in the police university. Together, they work in conducting criminal investigations. Suiting up for the role of Yoo...