Monstrous delivers a suspenseful and chilling drama that will fascinate viewers who enjoy horror and gore. Following the story of a cursed Buddha that caused chaos and fear in a remote town, TVING’s dark-themed series Monstrous is written by Ryu Yong Jae and Director Yeon Sang Ho who previously produced...
TVING’s newest supernatural thriller series is raising interest owing to its enigmatic premise. Monstrous chronicles the story of people in a village where a cursed Buddha image appears. Thereafter, mysterious events occur in the village causing chaos and fear. Ahead of its premiere, character stills of Koo Kyo Hwan and...
Monstrous unveils new character posters exuding a dark atmosphere. Scheduled to premiere on April 29, TVing original series, Monstrous releases new character posters showcasing each character in the dark while lost in the chaos, fear, and madness. With the collaboration of director Jang Kun Jae and writers Yeon Sang Ho...
TVING brings together Koo Kyo Hwan, Shin Hyun Bin, Kwak Dong Yeon, Nam Da Reum, Park Ho San, and Kim Ji Young for Monstrous TVING’s original, Monstrous, reveals the powerful synergies of remarkable actors and production staff. The series creates a new view of the supernatural genre in Korean drama series. It...