Cells collaborate to overcome Yumi’s routine life without romance in the latest teasers of Yumi’s Cells. TVING’s original series, Yumi’s Cells is a compassionate cell-stimulating romance that follows the everyday life of Yumi as she eats, loves, and lives with her cells. Director Lee Sang Yeob remarks the series is...
JTBC’s new entertainment program is set to feature Pohang, Gyeongsangbuk-do. According to the public information released by the city of Pohang, The Sea I Desire was filmed from May 25 until May 28. Filming spots include Heung Hwan Beach in Donghaemyeon, Jukdo Market, Railroad Forest, and Changgil Fishing Park. The...
Slated for May 2021 broadcast, Kim Go Eun confirmed the female lead in drama adaptation of Yumi’s Cells. Naver webtoon’s Yumi’s Cells is written by Lee Dong-gun and has recorded over 3.2 billion views. It traverses sympathetic moments that chronicles the story of Yumi. She is an ordinary 30-ish office...