Following the success of her iconic and comedic performance, Kim Sejeong imparts her thoughts on her prominent work in Business Proposal. Concealing her identity after her blind date with the president of the company she works at, Kim Sejeong embodied the role of Shin Ha-ri. She also showcased her endearing...
Ahn Hyo Seop, Kim Sejeong, Kim Min Kyu and Seol In Ah delightfully led the online drama presentation for the upcoming rom-com Business Proposal. Prior to its premiere on February 28, the lead pairings of Business Proposal share a variety of their thoughts and experiences about the series. Business Proposal...
Exciting the awaiting viewers for its premiere in February, Ahn Hyo Seop and Kim Sejeong lead the table-read of the new SBS drama. Based on a webtoon, Business Proposal follows the story of an office employee who goes on a blind date with her company’s CEO while pretending to be her...