Presold to 115 countries, the upcoming Korean film, Remember receives overwhelming attention from global fans. Remember traverses how Pil-ju, an 80-year-old Alzheimer’s patient sets forth to complete his revenge planned for 60 years before his memory disappears. Keen to avenge the death of his entire family, Pil-joo (Lee Sung Min)...
Nam Joo Hyuk marks his big screen comeback in October for the film, Remember. In the movie, he portrays In-gyu, a young man in his twenties who joins in the revenge plan of Pil-joo, played by Lee Sung Min. Remember traverses how Pil-joo, an 80-year-old Alzheimer’s patient sets forth to...
Looking back on fond memories of one’s youth, Twenty Five Twenty One appreciates the period of growth and recovery. Not all first loves blossom and last until the end. Although it may not be sweet or easy to accept, it sure was a beautiful process of a period that encouraged...
Distance begins to grow between Hee-do and Yi-jin after an event that rattled the world in Twenty Five Twenty One. Back in their final match in Madrid in 2001, Hee-do wins, and hugs Yu-rim as both of them are aware of how their words were twisted by reporters during their...
Deciding to change citizenship for her family’s situation, Yu-rim says goodbye to dear friends in Twenty Five Twenty One. Interviewing Hee-do from the news studio, Yi-jin congratulates her on the recent gold medal. Hee-do then reveals that the toughest match for her was the one in Madrid in 2001. Going...
Although there may be hesitations, Hee-do gambles her everything for her love for Yi-jin in Twenty Five Twenty One. After their new year kiss, Yi-jin recognizes the risks of his close bond with Hee-do. Despite getting reprimanded, in the end, Yi-jin still takes a step forward with his relations with...
In the recent episode of Twenty Five Twenty One, Hee-do moves forward to kiss Yi-jin as they celebrate the new year together. Hee-do’s mom persuades her to prepare for the college exams, which she initially had no intentions of taking. Only Ji-woong and Hee-do take the CSAT as Seung-wan, who...
Helping Ji-woong out, Yi-jin also takes a trip back to his old memories in Twenty Five Twenty One. Cherishing the chairs that her father has made, Hee-do confronts her mother for avoiding any conversation related to her late father. With the honest request of Ji-woong, Yi-jin fetches Yu-rim and Hee-do...
Going on a trip by the ocean, Hee-do and Yu-rim share an enjoyable moment with their friends in Twenty Five Twenty One. Reviewing the interviews, Yi-jin notices that Hee-do and Yu-rim both long for the experience of a school trip. Although he had already set plans for the two, Yi-jin...
After revealing her identity, Yu-rim’s cold relationship with Hee-do turns a new page in Twenty Five Twenty One. Mistaking Yi-jin as her friend from the virtual world, Hee-do avoids him as much as she could after feeling embarrassed with her confession. On the other hand, Yu-rim also avoids Hee-do, but...