Actors Lee Jung Eun and Jung Eun Ji may differ in age, but they share a passionate dedication to their characters. The dynamic duo depicts a character living a double life in Miss Night and Day, set to captivate viewers on Saturdays and Sundays. On the afternoon of the 13th,...
Choi Jin Hyuk experiences a strange sense of déjà vu between Lee Jung Eun and Jung Eun Ji in the upcoming JTBC weekend drama Miss Night and Day. Premiering on June 15th, Miss Day and Night is a bittersweet romantic comedy that follows the unusual journey of a job seeker...
JTBC’s upcoming weekend drama, Miss Night and Day, set to premiere at 10:30 PM on June 15th, delves into the unexpected twists in the lives of its characters. The series revolves around a job seeker who finds herself aging rapidly overnight, and the intricate tale of a talented prosecutor entangled...
Jung Eun Ji faces a challenging job market, akin to passing through the eye of a needle. In JTBC’s upcoming drama Miss Night and Day airing on June 15, Jung Eun Ji portrays Lee Mi-jin, a young woman who has spent eight years preparing for the civil service exam without...