Lee Se Young and Na In Woo are starting the new year with a heartfelt romance in the much-anticipated drama Motel California, set to premiere on January 10 as MBC’s first Friday-Saturday release of 2025. Directed by Kim Hyung-min and written by Lee Seo-yoon, the series delves into themes of...
MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama Motel California, set to air on January 10, has released character posters featuring the charm and personalities of its lead cast. The drama, based on Shim Yoon-seo’s 2019 novel Home, Bitter Home, tells the story of Ji Kang-hee, a woman who returns to her rural hometown...
The main poster for MBC’s highly anticipated Friday-Saturday drama, Motel California, has been unveiled, showcasing a poignant rooftop moment between lead actors Lee Se Young and Na In Woo. This two-shot captures the tender nostalgia of first love, stirring emotions that may have been buried deep in the hearts of...
The script reading for MBC’s highly anticipated Friday-Saturday drama Motel California, a fresh and heartfelt romance that promises to be a new beginning for 2025, has been revealed, and it’s already generating a significant buzz. Motel California premieres in January 2025, bringing audiences a “first love remodeling romance.” This unique...
Lee Se Young and Na In Woo will star in the upcoming 12-episode romance drama Motel California, set to air in 2025. Motel California (planned by Jang Jae-hoon, directed by Jang Jun-ho and Kim Hyeong-min, written by Lee Seo-yoon, produced by HB Entertainment) takes place in a rural motel. It...