The hero of Death’s Game is seen struggling to free himself from a cryptic figure seemingly in control of his life. Confirmed in the lead cast of the series based on the Naver webtoon are Seo In Guk and Park So Dam. In Death’s Game, Seo In Guk portrays Choi...
TVING’s original series Death’s Game pitched an interesting premise. Death’s Game traverses the life transition drama of Choi Yi-jae, who confronts 12 lives and deaths, right before going to hell. Confirmed in the lead cast of the series based on the Naver webtoon are Seo In Guk and Park So Dam....
The steady slow-burn nature of Record Of Youth indeed makes viewers expectant, yet also gives a soothing vibe. Each episode of the series will take its viewers on an emotional roller-coaster ride that would make them laugh, cry and keep them at the edge of their seats as they witness...
Eagerly-awaited tvN series, Record of Youth, finally secured launch date in September 2020. Exact day is yet to be announced though. Top-billed by Park Bo Gum, Park So Dam and Byeon Woo Seok, Record of Youth threads on the stories of youth who strive to achieve their dreams and claim...