Exhibiting his acting prowess, Ji Sung is ready to awe viewers as he transforms into twin brothers for tvN’s new thriller drama, Adamas. Lining up a solid cast, including Ji Sung, tvN’s Adamas is set to introduce powerful synergies of actors on July 27. Joining the remarkable actor are Seo Ji Hye (Sixth...
Eun Gye-hoon and Noh Da-hyun’s tangled emotions create love and hate relationship between them in Link: Eat, Love, Kill episodes 5 and 6. The town of Jihwa-dong stirs up as Eun Gye-hoon unmasks his identity and has returned to catch his sister’s kidnapper. On the other hand, Noh Da-hyun’s nightmare came to...
Eun Gye-hoon clears out the misunderstandings between him and Noh Da-hyun in the latest episode of Link: Eat, Love, Kill. After promising each other not to fall for each other, Noh Da-hyun struggles to keep her promise in Link: Eat, Love, Kill. Furthermore, Eun Gye-hoon came up with a theory that Lee Jin-geun...
More conflicts pile up on Noh Da-hyun’s plate, as she struggles with trauma and family disputes in Link: Eat Love Kill episode 3. As Noh Da-hyun’s insomnia affects Eun Gye-hoon, he fulfills his sister’s wish and cooked different dishes for Da-hyun to make her feel better. Since Gye-hoon is still not...
Alchemy Of Souls reveals the intense stare-down between Lee Jae Wook and Jung So Min that can pierce through souls. Ready to tell the story of the magical and mysterious fictional place, Alchemy Of Souls gives a peek at the pairing’s stirring chemistry. Lee Jae Wook and Jung So Min create...
Serving the viewers a tasty drama appetizer, Link: Eat, Love, Kill spectacles various emotions and highlights the chemistry between Yeon Jin Goo and Moon Ga Young. Finishing its first premiere week, Link: Eat, Love, Kill leaves many mysteries behind the small town of Jihwa-dong for viewers to unravel. The expected rom-com and light...
tvN’s romance drama, Eve preps to unveil a vengeful, suspenseful, and sensual narrative slated to broadcast on June 1st. Eve follows the bittersweet story of Lee Ra El, portrayed by Seo Yea Ji. Despite being born into a perfect and well-off family, Ra El lost her parents at a young age. Thirteen...
Seo Yea Ji, Park Byung Eun, Yoo Sun, and Lee Sang Yeob draw attention with their fiery and sophisticated posters for tvN’s Eve. tvN’s anticipated drama, Eve, drops striking character posters that leave viewers wanting more. Furthermore, Seo Yea Ji, Park Byung Eun, Yoo Sun, and Lee Sang Yeob‘s ‘on fire’...
Stopping his investigation as the Secret Royal Inspector Joy, Ra Yi Eon receives emotional support from Kim Jo Yi. Despite Ra Yi Eon and Kim Jo Yi’s bubbly and warm chemistry, we can’t help but feel heartbroken after new secrets are unveiled in the Secret Royal Inspector Joy. sun_drae watches Secret Royal Inspector...
Park Seung made a clever move, preventing the plans of the hero of Secret Royal Inspector Joy from revealing his family’s crimes. But before the “fall” of the Secret Royal Inspector Joy, Ra Yi Eon got to spend time with Kim Jo Yi and cooked for her again. Furthermore, Kim Jo Yi...