In Your Honor, renowned actor Kim Myung Min takes on the role of a powerful and influential businessman, Kim Kang-heon. Once a man who wielded his wealth and power to shape an empire, Kang-heon is now a broken individual consumed by grief and anger following the tragic loss of his...
K-Dramaland is set to be gripped by a riveting familial drama as veteran actor Kim Myung Min and rising star Heo Nam Joon share the screen in the upcoming series, Your Honor. The show promises a deep exploration of the intricate bond between a powerful crime boss and his equally...
Kim Myung Min is about to steal the show in the upcoming drama Your Honor! This dark and intense series explores the depths of fatherly love, and Kim Myung Min takes the lead as the powerful and ruthless Kim Kang-heon. Anticipation is high for Kim Myung-min’s passionate portrayal. Kang-heon used...
Your Honor previews Son Hyun Joo in his latest role as an esteemed judge facing a devastating personal crisis! The series delves into the heart-wrenching world of parental instinct, following two fathers who make extraordinary choices to safeguard their children. At the center of Your Honor is Song Pan-ho, a...
Genie TV’s highly anticipated original drama Your Honor will premiere on August 12th at 10 PM KST. The series follows the intense confrontation between two fathers, played by veteran actors Son Hyun Joo and Kim Myung Min, who descend into darkness to protect their children. Your Honor has garnered significant...
Genie TV’s original drama Your Honor (created by Pyo Min-soo, written by Kim Jae-hwan, directed by Yoo Jong-seon, planned by KT Studio Genie, produced by Take One Studio Co., Ltd. and Monster Company) is set to premiere this summer. The series explores the fatherhood of two men who become “monsters”...