Jung Kyung Ho is set to star in MBC’s upcoming Friday-Saturday drama! Labor Attorney Noh Moo-jin is a hyper-realistic comic fantasy that follows a labor attorney who sees ghosts and resolves challenging labor disputes. Jung Kyung Ho will play the title role of Noh Moo-jin, a labor attorney without historical...
tvN unveils the official posters of its upcoming entertainment show featuring Jo Jung Suk, Jeon Mi Do, Yoo Yeon Seok, Jung Kyung Ho, and Kim Dae Myung. Three Meals A Day: Doctors chronicles a 99-born group of people who go for an ordinary but special mountain village friendship trip. A...
Hospital Playlist Season 2 will be aired for the first time on June 17! The main actors of the popular k-drama Hospital Playlist are all looking forward to the second installment of the well-loved series. tvN’s Hospital Playlist caught the hearts of many k-drama fans because of its heartwarming plot revolving...