A woman’s tenacity in the 1990s was a successful opening pitch for A Virtuous Business. Set in the 1990s in the rural town of Geumje, the series peeks at how women carve their path to being someone different from what society deems them to be. Starting an interesting business, they...
Yeon Woo Jin has expressed his unwavering confidence that A Virtuous Business will be a defining piece of work in his acting journey, emphasizing its significance in shaping his career. A Virtuous Business explores the complexities of life, relationships, and societal norms through the lens of a unique narrative. In...
JTBC’s upcoming drama, A Virtuous Business takes viewers on a nostalgic journey back to the 1990s, exploring themes of female empowerment, friendship, and the pursuit of dreams. The weekend drama, directed by Jo Woong and written by Choi Bo-rim, follows the lives of four women—dubbed the “Sisters of Door-to-Door Adult Products”—who...
In the forthcoming JTBC weekend drama A Virtuous Business, the four Bangpan Sisters—portrayed by Kim So Yeon, Kim Sung Ryung, Kim Sun Young, and Lee Se Hee—are set to make a bold statement. The newly released main poster features the sisters with the provocative slogan, “You, straighten up your desires,”...
The upcoming JTBC weekend drama A Virtuous Business generates buzz with four new stills featuring Yeon Woo Jin. In the drama, Yeon Woo Jin transforms the 90s rural village setting into a Hollywood-esque backdrop. A Virtuous Business, premiering in October, is a provocative drama set in 1992, focusing on the...
Kim So Yeon is making her highly anticipated return to JTBC this October with the new weekend drama A Virtuous Business, marking her first appearance on the network in nine years. Directed by Jo Woong and written by Choi Bo-rim, A Virtuous Business is set in 1992 and revolves around...