tvN unveils the official posters of its upcoming entertainment show featuring Jo Jung Suk, Jeon Mi Do, Yoo Yeon Seok, Jung Kyung Ho, and Kim Dae Myung. Three Meals A Day: Doctors chronicles a 99-born group of people who go for an ordinary but special mountain village friendship trip. A...
Brimming with various heartfelt emotions and lasting inspiring talks, director Shin Won Ho and writer Lee Woo Jung give another breathtaking story full of comfort in Hospital Playlist 2. An eloquent narrative about five doctors who have been friends since their 20’s and have journeyed through friendship memories, career experiences...
Hospital Playlist Season 2 will be aired for the first time on June 17! The main actors of the popular k-drama Hospital Playlist are all looking forward to the second installment of the well-loved series. tvN’s Hospital Playlist caught the hearts of many k-drama fans because of its heartwarming plot revolving...
The coming year is looking auspicious for talented actor Jo Jung Suk! Aside from the confirmed second season of well-loved series, Hospital Playlist, he is also confirmed to top-bill 행복의 나라 Nation of Happiness (LT). He will collaborate with esteemed director, Choo Chang Min, whose recent works include Masquerade and...