Online buzz begins for Stealer The Treasure Keeper as its main hero is introduced with latest teasers! Stealer The Treasure Keeper is a caper comic action series in which a mysterious cultural property thief and an unofficial cultural property recovery team unite against people who cannot be judged by the...
Challenged by the action scenes in Carter, Joo Won hopes for a sequel to the Netflix movie. Directed by Jung Byung Gil, Netflix movie Carter is an action movie that follows the story of a mysterious operation of a man, unaware of his identity, carrying out a mission of bringing...
Joo Won gears up for riveting new action film Carter. Directed by Jung Byung Gil, Carter is an action film that would make you hold onto your seats. In the play, Joo Woon plays the role of Carter, an agent who doesn’t know who he is. One day, Carter woke up in...
After seeing the first episodes of Alice, I checked its registered nationwide viewership ratings right away, and I couldn’t agree more to its relatively high rating. I have a soft spot on SBS Friday-Saturday drama slot this season, and it is definitely continuing with Alice. Joo Won and Kim Hee...