ENA’s upcoming Monday-Tuesday drama, Brewing Love, is poised to captivate audiences with its refreshing take on love and relationships. Set to debut on November 4, Brewing Love follows the lives of a top saleswoman for a liquor company who hides her emotions and a sensitive brewery CEO who intuitively picks...
Kim Sejeong and Lee Jong Won are set to captivate audiences with their portrayal of a romantic relationship that intensifies under the influence of alcohol. The production team of ENA’s upcoming Monday-Tuesday drama, Brewing Romance (directed by Park Seon-ho and written by Lee Jung-shin), has released two teaser posters and...
Promising a heartwarming and exciting love story, the series also stars Baek Sung Chul and Shin Do Hyun. The upcoming ENA drama, Drunken Romance 취하는 로맨스 will follow the unlikely pairing of a passionate liquor saleswoman and a sensitive brewery owner. Their relationship, as different as the tastes and aromas of...