Forged with peerless characters, nonpareil narrative, and scenic cinematography, Mr. Sunshine bursts to an extraordinary story of love, friendship, and patriotism. Unrivaled as the best Korean drama conceived this year, Mr. Sunshine surges to a stunning work of art that refuses to downshift its intensity, week after week, leaving an...
By turns, it was a shower of healing narratives, amazing thrillers, and heart-fluttering romance stories in the selection of 2018 Korean Dramas. Hero-centric plot has been a constant fixture from the narratives which paraded this year. That has been expected given how combination of two popular actors have starred in...
Star-studded and eagerly-awaited dramas Arthdal Chronicles 2 and Here are yet to proceed with its production plans. This is quite a disheartening news for K-Drama fans, but owing to the new normal and given the overseas location foreseen for both series, it is inevitable. tvN’s Arthdal Chronicles which already confirmed...