It’s time for a trip down the K-Drama memory lane as we look back on some notable and fan-favorite K-Dramas that made an impression in 2013. This year in K-Dramaland, character-driven plots dominated the season. Fantasy and realistic stories also adorned the roster. Some of the popular artists you love...
Fantasy and reality are blended well in the narratives of 2013 Korean dramas. With character-driven plot predominantly present in 2013 Korean dramas, a few iconic K-Drama characters are also featured. Additionally, some classic favorites powered by top-tier actors also aired this season. *Note: The quick review entries are from my...
Discovery of Love is a personal K-Drama favorite I always recommend people asking what romance drama they can watch. With a stunning screenplay and an amazing cast, Discovery of Love is one Korean drama that people can learn a lot from. The heartfelt confrontations and realistic romance bravely tackled a love...