Netflix has announced the third season of Alice in Borderland, the global mega-hit survival drama. Additionally, the streaming giant revealed that co-stars Kento Yamazaki and Tao Tsuchiya will reprise their roles, and Shinsuke Sato will continue to direct the series. Art featuring the Joker playing card was also unveiled to...
Over the next five years, THE SEVEN will produce multiple original live-action titles that will be exclusively available to Netflix members across 190 countries. Netflix enters a strategic partnership with THE SEVEN, a cutting-edge production company owned by TBS Holdings (Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings, Inc), one of Japan’s top media...
Wrapping up Geeked Week, Netflix unveils the latest news, trailers, reveals, and cast conversations of 27-awaited series and films! Netflix celebrates the world of sci-fi, fantasy, gaming, anime, and the likes with fans. It features top-notch series and films that everyone can binge-watch, including Stranger Things, Tomorrow, All Of Us...
This International Women’s Month, Netflix puts the spotlight on its strong, diverse, and authentic female characters through the eyes of two Filipino artists, Betsy Cola and CJ De Silva. They’re two talented Pinoy illustrators who share their favorite female Netflix characters through stunning artwork in their own signature style.