The assortment of stories in October 2022 Korean Dramas will delight any avid K-Drama fan! Covering staple genres from youth, drama, romance, fantasy and historical; the roster also features highly-anticipated pairings and small screen returns of beloved Korean actors. Make sure to keep tabs on the latest dramas coming up...
Following the enigmatic teaser poster featuring Doh Kyung Soo, Bad Prosecutor puts forward the main characters to decorate the story. Bad Prosecutor narrates the story of a prosecutor that lives with insolence and imperfections while destroying the greedy people’s sanctuary of wealth and power. The drama is a collaboration of...
Do Kyung Soo, Le Se Hee, Ha Jun, and the rest of the cast introduce their characters in Bad Prosecutor‘s recent script run-through. Bad Prosecutor tells the story of a prosecutor known for his bad manners and delinquency, Jin-jung (Do Kyung Soo). He punishes those in power with practicality rather than...