Tracing the story of young people passionately pursuing their dreams in the world of innovative companies, Start-Up is staged at Sandbox, the fictional Silicon Valley of South Korea in the series. Boasting an impeccable lineup of actors Bae Suzy, Nam Joo Hyuk, Kim Seon Ho and Kang Han Na, Start-Up...
Aside from widely-praised actors, the formidable creative team backing up Start-Up make this K-Drama worthy to be yearned for. Netflix confirmed the addition of the series to its well-loved Korean drama catalog in October. Tackling the story of young people passionately chasing their dreams, Start-Up aims to present their dreams...
The thing about Uncontrollably Fond is that it taps into those memories of lost and depressing love that people don’t want to look back anymore in their lives. It is not a happy-ever-after kind of romance that appeals typically to almost anyone, instead, Uncontrollably Fond delves to the most shameful,...
A decade-long career has made Bae Suzy one of the most sought-after artists of her generation. On July 2, through the first magazine released by YouTube Life&Style channel MonoTube, Bae Suzy overwhelmed viewers with her exquisite visuals. The preview photos feature close-up shots in vibrant hues as well as contrasting...