Parole Examiner Lee, the latest tvN Monday-Tuesday drama starring Go Soo and Kwon Yuri, promises a fresh narrative filled with thrilling action and an innovative story. Fans are eagerly anticipating how the unique storyline and stellar cast will invigorate tvN’s drama lineup. On November 11, the online production conference for...
Wearing her corporate attire, Park Eun Bin is ready to showcase the amazing mind of Extraordinary Attorney Woo. Set in the survival of a large law firm, Extraordinary Attorney Woo tells the story of South Korea’s smartest lawyer, Woo Young Woo (Park Eun Bin). Despite having an IQ of 164, she has...
Acquainting viewers to its big-cast production, Snowdrop releases teasers featuring the main characters. Snowdrop tells the story of Su-ho (Jung Hae In), a famous university student who takes refuge in a women’s dormitory. He meets Young-ro (Jisoo), a female university student who hides and treats him in the midst of...
Award-winning actors Ji Jin Hee, Kim Hye Eun, and Yoon Se Ah lead tvN’s mystery series, The Road: Tragedy Of One. New tvN Wednesday-Thursday drama The Road: Tragedy Of One starts untangling secrets this August 4. Recent teaser posters intrigue the audience with their fierce and mysterious look. Rookie director Kim...
Pan Entertainment announced that it has signed a Netflix partnership contract for Racket Boys! The eagerly-awaited SBS series will premiere on May 31 and will be available to over 190 countries worldwide, starting with Asian and English-speaking regions through Netflix. Powered by the formidable creative team, expectations are high for...