Big Mouth reveals main posters highlighting distinctive details between the characters portrayed by Lee Jong Suk and Im Yoona. Getting a glimpse of the lead couple, the posters showcase the differences between the characters Park Chang-ho and Ko Mi-ho. Talking about their appearances, Lee Jong Suk (Park Chang-ho) has a scar...
Im Yoona returns on-screen as girl crush nurse Ko Mi-ho in the upcoming legal series, Big Mouth. The actress stars as the main lead with Lee Jong Suk in Big Mouth. In the series, she portrays a nurse who has exceptional beauty and brimming with confidence. She is the wife...
Suiting up as an underrated lawyer, Lee Jong Suk awes viewers with his tenacity as he embodies his character for Big Mouse. Broadcasting as MBC’s new Friday-Saturday legal drama, Big Mouse features the awaited comeback of Lee Jong Suk. SNSD’s Im Yoon Ah pairs up with him, who will add more anticipation for the...
Summer sees the return of Lee Jong Suk on MBC for Big Mouse in July! Respected creators Jang Young-chul and Jung Kyung-sun, as well as director On Choong-hwan, collaborate in this new legal series. Their combined portfolio boasts popular and acclaimed dramas including Vagabond, Hotel Del Luna, Doctors, While You...