Overthrowing an evil world dominated by Cheonmyeong Group, the hero of Black Knight aspires to create a world of equality. Taking a futuristic concept, Black Knight threads on the premise of an air-polluted world in 2071, where people depend on respirator masks to breathe. Only one percent of the human...
An inviting peek at preview photos of Black Knight heightens the anticipation for its upcoming launch! Taking a futuristic concept, Black Knight threads on the premise of an air-polluted world in 2071, where people depend on respirator masks to breathe. Only one percent of the human race has survived and...
Kim Woo Bin is a dauntless oxygen delivery driver in Netflix series, Black Knight! Taking a futuristic concept, Black Knight threads on the premise of an air-polluted world in 2071, where people depend on respirator masks to breathe. Only one percent of the human race has survived and a strict...
In a world without order, a knight without law exists in the Netflix series Black Knight. Taking a futuristic concept, Black Knight threads on the premise of an air-polluted world in 2071, where people depend on respirator masks to breathe. Only one percent of the human race has survived and...
Along with the second teaser poster, Black Knight locks an exclusive launch date on Netflix on May 6! Taking a futuristic concept, Black Knight threads on the premise of an air-polluted world in 2071, where people depend on respirator masks to breathe. Only one percent of the human race has...
Mounting his comeback project after almost six years, Kim Woo Bin collaborates with Esom and Kang You Seok in the series Black Knight! Notably, this reunites Kim Woo Bin with Director Choi Ui Seok since the lauded film, Master. Taking a futuristic concept, Black Knight threads on the premise of...