Netflix has officially announced the production of Season 2 of its hit series Bloodhounds and unveiled the cast lineup, promising even more intense action and gripping drama. The second season continues the story of Gun-woo and Woo-jin, two determined young boxers who previously took down a ruthless gang of illegal...
Three new Korean dramas are going to launch on Netflix next month! Romance and thrilling stories are featured in June 2023 K-Dramas on Netflix! In case you missed it, Doctor Cha and The Good Bad Mother are currently streaming on the platform offering superb career, relationship and life lessons. Bloodhounds...
In BLOODHOUNDS, good goes head-to-head with evil in an epic showdown! Bloodhounds is a story about two young people who step into the world of loan sharks in pursuit of money and get caught up in a web of much darker forces. After his perfect performance in a dual role...
Revealing intense action, Netflix series Bloodhounds released the main poster and first trailer which foreshadows uncanny chemistry from its committed actors. Bloodhounds is a story about two young people who step into the world of loan sharks in pursuit of money and get caught up in a web of much...