In recent years, more K-Dramas about rebirth have graced the small screen. Under the premise of the character’s “second chance in life” journey or making up for what couldn’t be done in the past – these Korean dramas are slowly becoming a favorite plot among viewers. The intricate plot development...
Born Again takes an intriguing romance journey as love blossoms once again among reincarnated souls. Seemingly a story about a love triangle, Born Again has more to offer with its plot. There is also an underlying mystery that begins to unfold slowly, starting from the very first episode. The drama focuses on...
We fell in love, got furious, sympathized and connected to a few 2020 Korean drama characters this season. Heroes or not, we became part of their imaginary worlds. In this quirky feature about 2020 Korean drama characters, we will look back in their adventures in a fun way. Got this...