A character relationship guide was released by the production team of Branding In Seongsu-dong to acquaint viewers more about the series. This relationship chart provides a glimpse into the relationships between various characters. Billed as a relationship reversal romance thriller, Branding in Seongsu-dong depicts what happens when the souls of...
In the new series, Lomon plays a righteous MZ intern who doesn’t know how to lie. Billed as a relationship reversal romance thriller, Branding in Seongsu-dong depicts what happens when the souls of the prickly marketing team leader Kang Na-eon and the adorable intern So Eun-ho change. In the play,...
Kim Ji Eun and Lomon star in new U+Mobile TV’s original drama. Billed as a relationship reversal romance thriller, Branding in Seongsu-dong depicts what happens when the souls of the prickly marketing team leader Kang Na-eon and the adorable intern So Eun-ho change. In the play, Kim Ji Eun plays...