Actors Roh Jeong Eui, Lee Chae Min, and Kim Jae Won deliver a unique spin on the elite teen scandal in Hierarchy. The cast is confident in their chemistry and eager to make a global impact. This new series features Jooshin High School, a prestigious establishment steeped in privilege and concealed...
“I’ve taken a life.” This ominous statement from the Hierarchy trailer sets the tone for a series rife with intrigue and controversy. As word spreads of a student’s demise, tensions rise and hidden truths begin to surface. Jooshin High School, a prestigious establishment steeped in privilege and concealed motives, is...
Get ready to step into the prestigious corridors of Jooshin High School, where wealth and status reign supreme, and every corner holds a hidden secret. Premiering on June 7, Hierarchy offers a fresh twist on the classic high school drama genre. Directed by Bae Hyeon-jin (known for Start-Up, Big Mouth,...