In a story about reunited lovers, two childhood friends who are also each other’s first love meet again after being apart for many years. Will this mark a new beginning for their story? Or, is it too late to make up for the lost time? To keep things interesting, we...
MBC’s new Friday-Saturday drama Motel California, set to air on January 10, has released character posters featuring the charm and personalities of its lead cast. The drama, based on Shim Yoon-seo’s 2019 novel Home, Bitter Home, tells the story of Ji Kang-hee, a woman who returns to her rural hometown...
The script reading for MBC’s highly anticipated Friday-Saturday drama Motel California, a fresh and heartfelt romance that promises to be a new beginning for 2025, has been revealed, and it’s already generating a significant buzz. Motel California premieres in January 2025, bringing audiences a “first love remodeling romance.” This unique...
MBC’s Friday-Saturday series, Numbers, recently wrapped up and has engaged viewers with its interesting story. Quite a spectacle for its plot twists, clever characters and story unpredictability, the main stars take time to share their thoughts. Kim Myung Soo (L), Choi Jin Hyuk, Choi Min Soo, Yeon Woo, and Kim...
Numbers is expected to fascinate viewers with a perfect ensemble of fresh genre concepts, and actors’ passionate performances. Numbers presents an office drama featuring a high school graduate accountant who fights against the absurdities of a giant accounting firm. Realizing justice in a way that is unlikely for an accountant;...
Hyping up the anticipating viewers, Numbers presents its main characters in tantalizing teasers! Numbers presents an office drama featuring a high school graduate accountant who fights against the absurdities of a giant accounting firm. Realizing justice in a way that is unlikely for an accountant; Numbers explores the world of...
With teens who have questionable morals, Extracurricular creates a thrilling narrative that mirrors present social issues. Having good grades may not be enough to ascertain a smooth-sailing life after high school. Guidance and support from reliable adults are also necessary. But without those, students are left to navigate life on...