OCN’s Chimera upheld the exhilarating tension and mystery until the very end. And to commemorate the series finale, Park Hae Soo, Lee Hee Joon, and Claudia Kim, answer loaded questions for the viewers. Chimera depicts the world of serial explosions and murder mysteries. For eight weeks, viewers followed the lives...
Mystery-thriller series Chimera is set to air on October 30th with dependable actors and a solid story. Chimera chronicles the narrative of homicide detective Jae-hwan, profiler Yoo-jin, and surgeon Joong Yeop. Following that, they reopened a 35 years serial explosion and murder case for different purposes. With different professions, they team...
OCN’s new Saturday drama, Chimera, piques prospective viewers’ interest with its recently released tension-induced teaser. Chimera chronicles the narrative of homicide detective Jae-hwan, profiler Yoo-jin, and surgeon Joong Yeop. Following that, they reopened a 35 years serial explosion and murder case for different purposes. The trailer reveals the characters’ motives,...
Park Hae Soo, Claudia Kim and Lee Hee Jun are finally set to unveil Chimera on October 30! Chimera tells the story of homicide detective Jae-hwan, profiler Eugene, and surgeon Joong-yeop. They all pursue the truth of a serial explosion and murder case that started again after 35 years for...