The cameras are rolling smoothly for highly-anticipated series, Jirisan! With that, the production company unveiled teaser photos of Jun Ji Hyun and Ju Ji Hoon. Featuring scenes of activities such as rescue operations of visitors by the national park rangers, Jirisan also highlights the protection of the ecosystem. Jun Ji...
Eagerly-awaited Korean drama, Jirisan, just stamped iQIYI as its newest broadcast partner. AStory, the production company of Jirisan, announced that it sold the exclusive license to broadcast overseas to the giant Chinese entertainment platform. Except for Korea and China, it will be simultaneously aired all over the world through iQIYI....
Looks like writer Kim Eun Hee will gift K-Drama patrons a new reason to smile through her new imaginary world conquest in Mount Jiri. The Kingdom star screenwriter teamed up with A-listers Jun Ji Hyun & Ju Ji Hoon for her latest venture in Mount Jiri. With the famed national...