Coupang Play’s sitcom Unicorn unveils a lovely and colorful poster featuring Won Jin Ah as its upcoming “employee of the month”. Unicorn is a Coupang Play original sitcom about the captivating story of Steve’s (Shin Ha Kyun) K-startup company, McComb. Directed by Lee Byeong Heon of Dream and Extreme Job, and...
Shin Ha Kyun displays a unique charm on the poster of Coupang Play’s sitcom Unicorn. On July 11, Coupang Play published the poster for the sitcom Unicorn. Unicorn depicts the struggle of a K-startup company led by Shin Ha Kyun (Steve), CEO of McComb, and his crew. The poster released...
Upon the successful premiere of Coupang Play’s Anna, Bae Suzy talks about her character’s backstory and preparation process. Coupang Play series Anna held an interview at a cafe in Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, on the morning of June 29. The new drama series aired its first broadcast on the 24th of this month....
Becoming Anna – sought-after actress Bae Suzy courageously takes on the challenge of being a woman whose life is a lie. Bae Suzy, known for her dramas While You Were Sleeping, Vagabond, and Start-Up, takes a new path as the lead actress in the Coupang Play series Anna. Based on...
Masking contradicting personalities of her role, Jung Eun Chae adds mystery and notable acting skills in Anna. Premiering on June 24, Coupang Play’s Anna features another award-winning actress as part of its cast lineup. Known for her portrayal in Nobody’s Daughter Hae Won, Jung Eun Chae bagged many Best New...