The 2021 K-Drama season is wrapping up, and we have all of you covered on what you should not miss! Over the next few days leading to our year-end roundup of must-watch Korean dramas this season, we will be looking back on the significant feats, evident craze and notable actors...
Crime Puzzle raises suspense as its lead actors exhibit intense, ferocious gazes in the latest teasers. Crime Puzzle is a thriller series that follows Han Seung-min, a criminal psychologist who confesses to a murder, and his ex-lover Yoo-hee, a detective who investigates the case. Additionally, Han Seung-min’s (Yoon Kye Sang)...
Female power screams in the heroine-centric titles featured in October 2021 Korean Dramas! Much-anticipated small-screen returns are also set for lauded and top actors. Riveting stories tinged with action, romance and drama are the narrative flavors to taste in these upcoming treats. Best Korean Drama List: 2000 – 2005 |...
Crime Puzzle sets launch date in October! The series stars Yoon Kye Sang, Go Ah Sung, Yoon Kyung Ho, Song Seon Mi, Kwon Su Hyeon, Woohyun, and Kim Roe Ha. Crime Puzzle is a thriller series chronicling the pursuit of truth between a criminal psychologist Han Seung-min (Yoon Kye-sang), who...
Crime Puzzle secures its female lead with Go Ah Sung! Based on a popular webtoon of the same name, Crime Puzzle tells the story of a criminal psychologist locked in prison after murdering a leading politician and a profiler who lost her father and later conducted interviews with the murderer....
Joining the crime thriller trend this season as the newest hero is Yoon Kye Sang. He is set to appear in the psychological tracking thriller, Crime Puzzle. Based on a popular webtoon of the same name, Crime Puzzle tells the story of a criminal psychologist locked in prison after murdering...
Active in film and drama, actor Yoon Kye Sang has moved to a new management company. Aiming to broaden his acting career, the reliable actor who have been collaborating with the agency for six months officially signed an exclusive contract with Just Entertainment. Since debuting in 2004 film Flying Boys...
Never miss out on any series in the roster of 2021 Korean dramas! Bookmark this feature as KDRAMADIARY will constantly update this throughout the year along with the monthly list. Our team follows a slightly different calendar in consideration of some dramas aired in the month of December that crosses...