Netflix’s D.P. Deserter Pursuit unveiled fascinating points that viewers can expect. D.P. originates from the famous webtoon with the same title, gathering 10 million views. Writer Kim Bo Tong and director Han Jun Hee made this webtoon came to life and added various twists to the characters along with the story...
Jung Hae In, Koo Kyo Kwan, Kim Sung Kyun, and Son Seok Koo are all keen to hunt down military deserters! D.P. is a Netflix original series that follows the story of army private Joon-ho, one of many soldiers serving in the Korean military, who suddenly ends up becoming a...
Together in the latest released stills, Jung Hae In and Koo Kyo Hwan pose as comrades in arms! Upcoming Netflix series D.P. starring Jung Hae In and Koo Kyo Hwan has unveiled new still cuts. D.P. narrates the story of Joon-ho and Ho-yeol, who are both assigned to the Deserter...
Military-drama D.P. (Deserter Pursuit) confirmed the premiere date on August 27 and released bombarding stills featuring its lead hero. Directed by Han Jun Hee and written by Kim Ho Yeol, D.P unveiled three poster photos that catch the audience’s attention. D.P. is a Netflix original series that follows the story of...