Get ready to melt your heart as actor Lee Tae Hwan returns to the K-Drama scene in DNA Lover, his first project after completing his military service! This TV Chosun weekend miniseries premiering August 17th at 9:10 PM is a unique romantic comedy that explores the world of genetics. Jung...
Get ready to swoon – DNA Lover, the new TV Chosun weekend miniseries premiering August 17th, has unveiled sizzling first looks at its lead actors, Choi Si Won and Jung In Sun! This romantic comedy promises a unique twist – love based on science, specifically DNA! Choi Si Won transforms...
Heads up, hopeless romantics and science enthusiasts! TV Chosun’s upcoming weekend drama DNA Lover is here to set your hearts aflutter and tickle your brain cells. Premiering on August 17th at 9:10 PM, DNA Lover promises a unique blend of romantic comedy and genetics. The story centers around Han So-jin...
Love and science collide in the upcoming Korean drama DNA Lover, premiering on August 17th! This new weekend rom-com from TV CHOSUN promises to be a refreshing and funny take on finding your perfect match. DNA Lover centers around Han So-jin (Jung In Sun), a quirky researcher with a passion...