Something light, fun and probably familiar – still, Dream has an encouraging message from its captivating storyline. Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag national team players, who...
Ready to kickstart the premiere on April 26, Korean movie Dream unveils more teasers! Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag national team players, who challenge impossible dreams...
Korean movie Dream has released 14 press stills that give a glimpse of the chemistry of the characters full of charms. Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag...